In 2021, over forty students partnered with over thirty businesses to take part in this exciting initiative. Projects take place over the course of twelve weeks and span a variety of areas including market research, competitor analysis and research for future business expansion. Company hosts are equally varied, with businesses from the sport, charity and education sectors taking part. To participate in the initiative and prepare for their projects, students are required to undergo a selection process and also attend Work Readiness Bootcamp training.
Chandila Fernando, Co-Founder of The Investment Committee, requested ECP students to support his business. The Investment Committee matches investors with viable SMEs, and was looking for insights into a business plan and research into how to attract investment into a fund, to speed up the investment process for SMEs. International Finance and Investment students, Matteo Tanieli and Jose Fernandez, were keen to support the business and set to work on the objectives provided by their host.
Of the project, Chandila said “Standing back from our business it was important to consider alternative ways to expand and dilute our own thinking… Having on demand graduates willing to think of the unimaginable, and being able to push them into stretching their own creativity under adaptive guidance with tight deadlines, has been invaluable for both parties.”
Matteo said “I had never had a similar experience, let alone in a language that was not mine. But, after gaining confidence, thanks to the skills of the hosts and the Bootcamp activities, which are essential in my opinion, everything became much easier.”
Chandila found that by working with two students, this was of great benefit to his company, in gaining two different perspectives “Matteo and Jose had distinct outtakes from the project…Combining their thinking we challenged them to consider the perspective of would-be investors and the gap they could fill by engaging with their findings.”
Matteo found the ECP useful in his own development and said “In addition to honing your skills, being part of an ECP helps you to start creating your own network of professional contacts, which are essential for getting noticed and finding new job offers.”. The student also went on to provide advice for future ECP students and said “Don’t be shy and don’t be afraid to jump in.”
The outcome of the research during the project was an ethical lending platform, and Matteo so impressed his host that he has continued volunteering with the company to carry out the theorised platform.
Can your company benefit from the insights of an ECP student or group? Contact us on to find out more.